Rotomolding offers design possibilities that traditional plastic molding is incapable of producing.
Although rotational molding is a simple idea, the machinery involved is quite complex and requires expertise in design and engineering to make each product successful.
Step 1 – A unique mold is created
Step 2 – The mold is filled with plastic in powder or pellet form
Step 3 – The mold is rotated along two axes or spun around inside of a large oven so that the plastic covers each part of the mold uniformly
Step 4 – The mold continues to rotate is it cools from the oven and then the plastic product is removed
From idea to completion you would work with professional designers to perfect your product. Designers are responsible for creating the mold that will produce your final product. Many designers are also engineers and can implement more complex designs with precision. Some plastic products have moving parts or must be completed in phases or separate pieces in order to create the whole product. Rotational molding has the potential to create almost any product.

So what kind of products can be manufactured using rotational molding?
You use things everyday that were produced with rotational molding like the garbage cans you leave at the curb or the lids to large dumpsters at your apartment. Some other products are:
- Carpet fans
- Decorative flower pots
- Horse jumps and equestrian products
- Ball carriers
- Shipping cases
- Instrument cases
- Traffic barriers on freeways and roadways
- and many more…
Now that you have an idea of what is currently being produced, there is still a large untapped market of products that can be manufactured with rotational molding that are currently being made with metals and fiberglass. Many products are costly to produce because of the high price of metal. These items could reduce cost and weight by using rotational molding. In fact garbage cans got their name because they used to be metal cans. They are now produced almost exclusively using plastic. Rotational molding is a growing industry as cost and weight become issues in current manufactured goods.
Why Rotational Molding?
The overall flexibility of rotational molding to produce complex geometric shapes and designs is by far the number one reason entrepreneurs and investors are turning to it. Not only can objects be created with rotational molding that aren’t available in other types of plastic molding but it allows for a wide variety of conversions to plastic from multiple other materials. The waste footprint is relatively smaller than other production processes and the go-to market timeframe is also lesser than other strategies.
Products can be manufactured very quickly with rotational molding because the mold is easier to create than with other materials. From idea to product, the entire process is quicker than other manufacturing options. Designers can produce the mold in short times and prototype the product as soon as the mold is prepared. This makes it quite easy to realize an idea within a short time frame.
Not only does having a a quick design to production timespan aid the feasibility of rotomolding but also having your production facility located in your own country. Without communication barriers and long-distance hassle, it’s easier than ever to produce your idea using plastics.
With a smaller carbon footprint, faster production times and quicker processes, rotational molding is the clear choice for manufacturing new ideas.
Check out some of our products here.
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